Great news this early afternoon !

Our partners from SoftExpert manage to give us access to their Education Center’s training environment.


Now we can learn the basics of their Product Suite… !

The goal is to be able to convert the workflows we already designed with Mario into the objects used by the SoftExpert tool.

One this POC (Proof Of Concept) will be OK, we will be able to perform a KT to Mario and his team on how to slipstream their actual processes and design the new tool’s functions and flows.

Go team Go !!  🙂


#brazil15, #ibmcsc

Good progress today !

Thanks to SoftExpert, our project is no longer suffering… We can restart and plan the work to be done, the knowledge transfer and pave the road for Projeto Resgate to get a great IT system to support their efforts supporting the scholarship of the poor children.

I’m so happy to have seen Mario’s smile when he realized that our project to help him was getting in the next step: designing the high level workflows that will help the SoftExpert consultant to quickly get a grip on Resgate needs.

Now we will work as hard and fast as possible to get a maximum of these workflows ready for him.


Our approach is to document with Mario his current solution. He already realized that some parts should be optimized => we’ll take this into account in the proposal to be made for the new tool.

Mario is really a great person.

He his so near the kids, so engaged into Projeto Resgate… and in the mean time he wants to make and get all the possible from our venue… I have to confess that not all the projects from our CSC assignment have the chance to have ‘sponsor’ being nearly every day with the IBM team, brainstorming with us, providing answers to every single questions, rephrasing if we do not get the info at the first time…

Furthermore, I would bet that none of the other team have a Sponsor asking us to give him some homework for the next day…

Mario, you Rock !!

As I told you already, we won’t be there anymore when your tool will start to perform, but I’m confident that this will work!!
The project team that we are about to put bring together will manage to make the bird fly and you will be able to help much more students! 🙂

Let’s continue on this good path and take advantage of the remaining days!!!

#brazil15, #ibmcsc

Community Assignment

Yesterday afternoon, we all participated to gardening and painting activities in a school. This was a lot of fun and a real pleasure to leave behind us something the kids of this poor area will be able to use and see everyday.

Here a few pictures:

1378741_541789795897517_553863260_n (Bela, Monica, Olivier, Mario, Yiyin and Sene)

1381471_541788389230991_879790592_n (la porte vers l’aire de jeu)

1380011_541789012564262_193728654_n 1379868_541788712564292_1058537509_n    1379929_541789295897567_1527231004_n  1380669_541788845897612_1416437660_n  1012480_541789345897562_1598225266_n 1382044_541789065897590_1957738438_n  67053_541788745897622_1683770136_n 1383742_541788982564265_224725502_n 1390519_541788969230933_2063927178_n     578441_541789152564248_1892043396_n 1383623_541788532564310_617261544_n

1385107_541788595897637_1794426549_n 1395164_541788915897605_446548301_n (préparation et mise en place des maisonnettes pour oiseaux)

993437_541788365897660_1870789690_n397499_541789492564214_1189129566_n (la bordure d’entrée dans la cours)

The wining team!

DSC05959 (a cool team!)

DSC05963 (a cool and funny team) DSC05966 (jump! jump! jump!)


#brazil15, #ibmcsc

Back to work…

This Monday, we met the Soft Expert team.

They have a great product that can help Projeto Resgate to get the IT solution that will help to save time and better manage the NGO.

We got the commitment from the CEO (Mr Lepper) that his company can provide the application, it’s hosting and some consultancy on the way to set it up… 🙂

20131028_113732 (Mr Lepper and Mario)

Thank you to help us in this project and thank you for the kids !

We will now work with Mario in defining as much workflows as possible, and get to know the application. Target: be able to use the application and further develop the tool while we’ll be back in our respective countries.

#brazil15, #ibmcsc

The Macuco Tour

When at the Brazilian side of the falls, you can do the Macuco tour…

– Speed boat towards and ‘into’ the falls

– a bit of fun with friends while doing some rafting

=> very refreshing… 😉

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#brazil15, #ibmcsc